MBF Mulch Film India’s No.1 product for protection cover over the soil, primarily to modify the effect of the local climate, to suppress weeds and conserve water in crop production and landscaping. Crops grow through slits or holes in thin plastic sheeting. Plastic mulch is often used in conjunction with drip irrigation.
Advantages of Mulch Film:
It is completely impermeable to water. It prevents the direct evaporation of moisture form the soil and thus limits the water
losses and conserves moisture. By evaporation suppression, it prevents the rise of water containing salts. Mulch can facilitate fertilizer placement and reduce the loss of plant nutrient through leaching. Mulches can also provide a barrier to soil pathogens. Reflective mulches will repel certain insects. Mulches maintain a warm temperature even during night time which enables seeds to germinate quickly and for young plants to rapidly establish a strong root growth system. Synthetic mulches play a major role in soil solarisation process. Under mulch, the soil structure is maintained during cropping period. Water erosion is completely averted since soil is completely covered form bearing action of rain drops. When compared to organic mulches, it serves for a longer period.
Moisture Conservation:
Mulch film with its moisture barrier properties does not allow the soil moisture to escape. Water that evaporates from the soil surface under mulch film, condenses on the lower surface of the film and falls back as droplets. Thus moisture is preserved for several days and increases the period between two irrigation. The irrigation water or rainfall either moves into the soil through holes on the mulch around the plant area or through the un-mulched area.
Weed Control:
Black plastic film does not allow the sunlight to pass through on to the soil. Photosynthesis does not take place in the absence of sunlight below black film hence, it arrests weed growth.
Improved Crop Quality:
Plastic mulches keep ripening fruits off of the soil. This reduced contact with the soil decreases fruit rot as well as keeps the fruit and vegetables clean. This is beneficial for the production of strawberries, for example. Reduction in soil compaction.
Reduction in Root Damage:
The use of plastic mulch creates a practically weed free area around the plant, removing the need for cultivation except between the rows of plastic. Root damage associated with cultivation is therefore eliminated. Due to these factors, the use of plastic mulch can lead to an improvement in the overall growth of the plant.
How to Use:
The use of plastic mulch requires a unique application process to ensure proper placement of the plastic film. This application process begins with preparing the field the same way one would for a flat seed bed. The bed must be free of large soil clods and organic residue. Create row of plastic mulch covering a planting bed. These beds can be a flatbed which simply means the surface of the plastic mulch is level with the inter-row soil surface. Cover the edges of the plastic film to hold the plastic the soil’s surface. These plastic layers also place the drip irrigation line under the plastic while the machine lays the plastic. It is somewhat important that the plastic is rather tight. This becomes important in the planting process.
Sizes / Packaging
- 39” * 400 mtrs. 20 micron (1 mtr * 400 mtrs)
- 49” * 400 mtrs 20 micron (1.25 mtr * 400 mtrs)
- 39” * 400 mtrs. 25 micron (1 mtr * 400 mtrs)
- 49” * 400 mtrs 25 micron (1.25 mtr * 400 mtrs)
- 39” * 400 mtrs. 30 micron (1 mtr * 400 mtrs)
- 49” * 400 mtrs 30 micron (1.25 mtr * 400 mtrs)