MBF Ultra Life is an unique multi-purpose 3 in 1 formulation suitable for Organic Farming. It is an organic, non-toxic, non-mutagenic, biodegradable unique formulation with a broad spectrum having antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral activity. Ultra Life is recommended for the prevention and control of diseases caused by bacteria, fungi & viruses. Use of Ultra Life at a recommended dosage has a selective mechanism of killing only pathogenic bacteria which reduces the risk of food poisoning. By controlling bacteria for prolonged period of time, it decreases decomposition by extending shelf life. It has a systemic effect with redistribution in direction of the apex and towards the roots of the plants. Ultra Life gets absorbed rapidly and transferred throughout the plant, which remains active for a long duration of time.
Mode of Action
Disrupt the cellular membrane of bacteria and fungi; Induce Systemic Resistance of the plant (ISR); Invigorate the plant by stimulating cellular regeneration.
- Extends shelf-life of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers, allowing a longer period for placing them in the distribution centres, reducing or eliminating returns and/or penalties that reduce rateability.
- It controls pathogen like Cholera, E. Coli, Salmonella, etc and protect to human being from infections.
Dosage & Recommendation
Repeated spraying of MBF Ultra Life after each 15 days is recommended for healthier growth.