Flower king is a research oriented product, specially designed for flower boosting in crops. It contains 20% nitrobenzene along with naturally available proteins which are essential for plants.
It acts as growth regulator and thus induces profuse flowering. It is also used as plant energizer, flowering stimulant & yield booster. Flower king can be widely used on commercial level to produce more vigorous growth by promoting flowering and fruiting in crops. Resulting in increased yield and better quality. It helps to enhance the plant canopy.
- Increase photosynthesis that triggers growth of flower thus significantly enhances flowering rate of plant. Stops flower dropping.
- Stimulates numerous processes like cell division, cell elongation, and formation of buds, roots, flowers & fruits.
Mix 2-3 ml of Flower-king per liter of water & sprays on recommended crops. (It is compatible with pesticides & fungicides)
Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds, Ornamental plants, Vegetables, Fruit crops, Cotton, Paddy, Wheat, Soyabean, Chilli etc.
It contains the substances with improved absorbance on substrate. The growth promoting substances & the available nitrogen generates synergetic effect. It regulates the amount, type & direction of plant growth. It affects the numerous processes like cell division, elongation, autumnal loss of leaves & formation of buds, roots, flowers & fruits.
Flowerking can be widely used on commercial level to produce more vigorous growth, by promoting flowering & thus fruiting in crop.
Available In: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L, 5L.